Marking time

 We're in a holding pattern. The canal authorities have not yet reopened the Macclesfield Canal to allow passage through the 12 Bosely locks. Our home mooring is on the north of these locks, as well as our booked boat repainters' yard. And time here for us is running out. We fly home in less than 3 weeks.

We have received  generous offers from friends to move Santiago after we leave, most welcome. So now an alternative mooring is needed, securing keys, advising the home mooring marina, contacting the repainter.... transport for us from where the boat is left. The list goes on.

All is not gloom. Our friends in London welcome us this week, a show booked, plans to visit some NT properties.  Plus a dash down to Portsmouth to our family friends.

Yesterday in Manchester, mostly waiting on some medical advice at an NHS hospital, but also a happy wander round the Manchester Art Gallery.  Old and new buildings are married in spacious beauty.

To reach Manchester we walk in the linear green environment of the towpath directly to the station.  Very civilised. We could have foraged for late blackberries!

A photo below of the Pennine nestled Settle.


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