April 2023 Switzerland


Two nights ago we are in a folk club in Oberhafen, singing, laughing, clapping to music from South America,  Ireland, Germany....Much we don't understand, monolingual travellers that we are.  Our friend plays the piano with elan, Tim Winton virtuosity.

A happy few hours in the company of friends of 50 years.  I met them through Lady Luck, them as newly weds exploring Australia,  me teaching English in an evening class to save for my own travels. That instant rapport which you seize for the prize it is. Friends for life.

We were to be together in a hill town in Piedmont. The plan from.last year. But illness has struck one member of our Swiss family. We circle wagons, recall memories, listen to our friend's reflections on his life, affirm his legacy.  His journey is almost done, and we grieve together. He is a master jeweller, created unique pieces. A fine clever father husband friend. An expert mushroomer.  A subtle wicked sense of humour. A fierce game player. 

This poor pic of his works, a gift I treasure. 

While we are here we stay with K and S, in their home overlooking Thunersee, the lake then mountains.

Scenery thy name is Switzerland. 

Before we flew here, a week in England.  First with adopted family in Portsmouth,  the luxury of friendship of decades, connected through Aunt Mary. Her husband was a submariner based in this naval centre, where history looms large. A short distance to the sands where King Canute showed hus sycophants that the tide waits for no man, his 8yo daughter buried in the nearby church.

Here in Portsmouth the story of Henry VIII, his flagship raised from the Solent mud. The origin of 'a square meal' in the naval museum.

From Portsmouth we drive to the Pennines village of High Poynton,  where nb Santiago is moored. A tad dusty after 6 months, but resplendent in her complete repaint.

Now in a few days we return to her, to prepare her for sale, and take her on probably our last trip. 


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