
 From our mooring east of Stoke, Santiago moves to the 4 locks a mile and a half away. We slip easily into the rhythm of locking. One person steps onto the towpath wielding a windlass,  ratchets open the 'door ' in the gate, waiting till the water level in the lock matches that in the canal. 

When the levels are equal, the lock gates can be pushed open. In glides the boat, gates close, the windlass lowers the doors. 

Walk to the end of the lock, repeat the opening/closing routine,  and the boat slowly moves, up or down.

Usually the helmsman and locker swop jobs, to provide some variety. In our case, I'm happy to steer forward. Reversing the boat is the Cap'n's job.

A photo of the boat exitting a lock, with a little split walk way above. The split allowed the horse drawn boat to move along the towpath without the rope being detached.

The other photo is of the mile marker on this canal. We are now half way to its end at Shardlow,  near Nottingham.

A pleasant day in Stone, great shops, canal architecture. 


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