Rochdale crossing


t has taken just 5 days to take our 20 tonne boat up and over the Pennines. A distance of 32 miles, 91 locks.
The canal starts in Manchester, 9 locks climbing through and sometimes under the heart of the city. Some of these locks are very challenging, as the city constrains the usual excess flow of water through side washes. Instead overflow is directed by pipe back into the lock approach, the force pushing the boat sideways, in one case into the arched structure above the canal. Reversing the boat and a charge at full throttle was the only solution, a direct contrast to the preferred slow and gentle approach to a lock. Oh well, only some paint and pride were lost.

Above these locks we paused to regroup, and the Cap'n to investigate the weed hatch. Out came a whole doona, pictured above. A short time later, a mangled black hoodie.

Our fortunes changed. The locks on the Rochdale are all double locks, so we were hoping to find another boat going our way, to partner with. The good boat Northumberland was moored below lock 10, a fantastic crew celebrating the skipper's 65th birthday. They were amenable to travelling with us, and have done so for the past 5 days. As well as sharing the locking, a veritable orgy of fun, food, fellowship developed. New friends for life.

The weather held, the landscape of the Pennine hills and valleys unfolded, and now we are moored in Sowerby Bridge, for a few days of exploration.


  1. Ahh at last your wonderful photos to go with your beautiful journey. Exciting and challenging. 🍷🍻

    1. Happy that you can share the journey with us...and maybe soon coming aboard.

    2. Already on, but only in cyberspace.


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