Idling up the Aire


From our mooring at Castleford, previously a centre for coal mining (hence the loading shute), we move into a gusty, changeable day, deep grey clouds more threatening than performing.
Only 3 locks, all electrically operated- JJ handling the boat in the erratic wind, me reading instructions ! The locks are enormous, infrastructure from when the canals were a commercial route. A volunteer lock keeper says the old oil storage tanks are being removed, and other bulk imdustries will replace them-and ships will use the Aire once again.

Despite being in the industrialised north, the Aire is quiet, wide, green fringed,  many herons. The old coal spoil hillocks have been revegetated, and while the beeches and other trees make for a pleasant woodland, who knows what fertile soils have gone with the coal.

We walk late afternoon to the village of Woodlesford, where we find  a good coffee, and some essential supplies,  including shiraz.

Our mooring for the  evening is adjacent to woodland, with rustling leaves, glancing sun, a restful place to write.


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