On the Calder and Hebble


Such an eventful day,. From a peaceful rural mooring near the end of the Huddersfield Broad Canal, we moved down to the Calder and Hebble. These are 2 rivers running east from the Pennines towards the North Sea, which have been made navigable through massive weirs, and locks. A beautiful sunny day, perfect for our new crew, J and L from Oz. They have taken to life afloat with gusto, and we are enjoying their company tremendously.
The countryside has entranced us, with ancient bridges, 19th C viaducts, old pubs, and wildlife ranging from dragonflies to swans.

At a small town we manoevred to moor outside a supermarket, I jumped from the boat to the stone coping on the towpath, slipped and plummeted down into the canal, giving my leg a whack on a stone in the ungraceful descent. No injury, I thought,  except embarrassment, but 9 hours later we are in A&E in Wakefield, waiting to receive advice on a massive contusion that has appeared. A friendly boater drove us, another example of the courtesy and kindness of the folk here.

Now back on boat, a huge bruise , swollen, but no break. Gentle exercise will sort it.


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