High water


The Ouse drains two thirds of the Dales, and we woke to a towpath gradually disappearing!
Our Kiwi visitors came by amd had to wade to the boat, and walk the plank. From a photo you can see we are the last boat moored, our mooring rings under water, and a danger of the boat lodging on the towpath if we stayed.

So we hightailed it downstream to a marina with pontoon moorings, our boat holding the 6 of us in comfort as we sped on the rising river  to a safe mooring. Plan A was accepted, so a scratch lunch of homemade soup, a taxi back to York, and Evensong, in the Minster. A special delight was observing a peregrine falcon,  feeding its young on the Minster roof. Dinner out, a taxi back for the 4 boaters, and soon to sleep.


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