
Showing posts from April, 2023

Victoria Pit

Here we are, back from Switzerland,  reunited with Santiago.   Sad to leave our Swiss friends, such a bittersweet time with one of them very ill.  Nearly 2 weeks there, mountains, lakes, a mad fun folk club evening, trains through and round mountains, one to Italy for a day. And time to reminisce  50 years of friendship.   Santiago rocks gently on her mooring, resplendent in her repaint, needing a good clean inside. And so for decision time - which agent to select to sell her for us, what route to take for a last trip. What to throw out, donate, keep. Amazing how much can be stuffed into a small boat. Today a 40min bus trip along the flanks of the Pennines, Pott Shrigley, Bollington  to Macclesfield,  where my mother was born, worked,  married, and from where she left with our little family to Oz. An old mill town, bordering the canal, so familiar to us. Back with our shopping 🛍 along the same winding bus route. Another passenger pointed out the boundary with Lyme Hall, from which dee

22 April Oberhafen

 This small town fringes Lake Thun, trad wooden chalets climbing up towards pine forests. An ideal place to live or for a tourist A small cafe at the ferry wharf, so a coffee before heading east to Interlaken, or west to Thun.  Or a guacamole bagel for lunch! Our friends' house is a recent build, the roof covered in solar panels. K is an artist with fabric..a  puppet leans at leisure, quilted birds against a wall. Such skill and patience. Nearby a pool complex,  well used, a practical protocol of pre showering, shoe removal etc, that allows a high patronage with courtesy observed. Everywhere garden corners  fit in the urban landscape.

April 2023 Switzerland

 Y Two nights ago we are in a folk club in Oberhafen, singing, laughing, clapping to music from South America,  Ireland, Germany....Much we don't understand, monolingual travellers that we are.  Our friend plays the piano with elan, Tim Winton virtuosity. A happy few hours in the company of friends of 50 years.  I met them through Lady Luck, them as newly weds exploring Australia,  me teaching English in an evening class to save for my own travels. That instant rapport which you seize for the prize it is. Friends for life. We were to be together in a hill town in Piedmont. The plan from.last year. But illness has struck one member of our Swiss family. We circle wagons, recall memories, listen to our friend's reflections on his life, affirm his legacy.  His journey is almost done, and we grieve together. He is a master jeweller, created unique pieces. A fine clever father husband friend. An expert mushroomer.  A subtle wicked sense of humour. A fierce game player.  This poor pic