Down the staircase locks


An ingenious idea, staircase locks, as they save water, time, space. In the past week we've climbed up 2 sets of such locks, the Foxton flights, to reach the summit of the Leicester arm of the Grand Union, down the Watford flight and yesterday down the Stocktown flight. A real sense of the topography of the place, as you take your 20 tonne boat up and down hills.

If going down a staircase, you first have to ensure Lock 2 is empty of water. This is because the lower gate of Lock 1 is the top gate of the 2nd - so when you raise the paddles to let the water out and lower your boat, it needs an empty lock into which to pour it.

The Stockton lock yesterday was the first time I can recall passing a boat in a staircase lock. We were descending with another boat, and a very long narrowboat was climbing. It was in Lock 2 as we let the water out of Lock 1. Two boats were then nose to nose. In the photo below you can see the number of boaters scurrying around managing this manoevre. Our boat slipped into Lock 2 beside the climbing boat, our partnering boat moved to be behind us, still in Lock 1. This allowed large climbing boat to move into Lock 1, we moved across behind it to allow partnering boat to exit Lock 1 and into Lock 2. Phew. Close the gates, continue down.

Hopefully you're not bored witless by now. No more lock details.

The following day we cruised serenely into Leamington Spa, crossing the R Avon which runs south to Stratford and its navigable length.
The Spa is blessed with large Victorian era gardens, fine Georgian buildings,  the grand spa building retains the now empty luxurious tiled baths. It also housed a ballroom, where assemblies were held. Think Jane Austen. Now an interesting gallery and museum.
A photo below of a Peter Blake painting of Humpty Dumpty, from the gallery.

Now moored in Warwick, meeting friends from
 London for the weekend, who have nobly
volunteered to assist us up the mighty 21 locks
 of the Hatton flight, west towards Birmingham.


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