25/7/2019 The green tunnelled, rural Shropshire Canal, graceful bridges, can produce some unexpected even exotic moments. At a couple of small towns along the canal we stumbled on canal festivals. Trading boats, some original others replicas, of the barges of old, now travelling shops. Some sold fenders, rope mats, fascinating to watch being made. Craft abounds, jewellery, rag rugs, knitted goods. Plastic toys, like the little dog's determined possession. Some barges are now simply homes, with old chug chug engines, even with a butty or unpowered barge in tow- needing interesting, arduous manoevres through locks. And a first for us, an example of the exotic if you like, a boat with a wood fired pizza oven occupying its front deck. a fine useful way of making a living. We were mightily amused as we passed an ordinary sort of boat. From its front deck we spotted its 3 black chooks, casually jumping onto the towpath to graze. And accompanied by the boat's cat. T...