Barbara Hepworth


The Hepworth Gallery in Wakefield is a gem in a busy, messy town, traffic roaring through across the River Calder and the canal, ignoring the gallery on one side, and a rare bridge chapel on the other (have read that only 4 such remain in the UK).

Ms Hepworth told an interviewer that her early travels as a child round west Yorkshire with her shire engineer dad, inspecting the roads and bridges of the county, embedded in her a love of the shapes, forms of the country. Her art, she said, was a response to this experience. George Eliot was similarly inspired by her travels with her father, a land agent or steward, with her insights into language, people and society of her time. It is a fascinating connection between art and literature, across different eras.

Another fact new to us, was that Henry Moore grew up a few miles from Wakefield, in Castleford, and was a contemporary of Ms Hepworth. The Gallery contains his work too.

An intriguing aspect of the gallery is its location, probably on an old mill site, right on the banks of the river. Two of the photos above were taken from inside the gallery.


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