Acceptance in lieu and rhubarb


Under several Acts of Parliament an individual can gift property - land, art work, archival material- to the National Trust and to other institutions, in lieu of tax, including inheritance tax.

As travellers we seek out NT properties, enjoying the exceptional collections, structures, landscapes they provide. Today we visited Nostell Priory, a 15 min bus ride from Wakefield. It came into the hands of the NT in 1954 (?), in lieu of inheritance tax. A dreamy lovely 300 acre environment, 18th C mansion, huge walled garden (with rhubarb).
Interesting to visit on the day we hear of Labor's policy of increased taxes on the wealthy- anathema no doubt to the haves whether in the 18th or 21st centuries.

A most interesting head gardener, Mark, talked us through the life of rhubarb, how the Priory is part of the forced rhubarb triangle. We concluded with a sampling of rhubarb compotes, from 6 of the 19 varieties grown at Nostell, ranking them for flavour, appeal.

An interesting day.


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