Coventry area


From the rural North Oxford, to the built up acres of Coventry. One snap below of the terminus of the Coventry Canal,  a quiet spot, just outside the ring road which replaces the old walls as the city's boundary. There our young cousin left us after an overnight visit.

North from Coventry the 23 mile arm of the Ashby Canal hives off north east, formerly the route for coal transport. In the late afternoon we moored up,  with a wonderful sunset tempting a photo opportunity (will send later).

The hot weather has been replaced with consistent heavy drizzle, so our outing today has involved a local steam train. It runs from Bosworth Field, where Richard III lost the crown and his life.

JJ also fought the 'Battle of the Bog',  when our loo seized up, requiring dismantling,  repairing. The valiant Cap'n stripped to his undies to do battle, involving contortions to gain access to the offending blocked pump, disconnecting water and electricity, locating the spigot (don't ask, you don't want to know). The useless 1st mate passed implements, made coffee, heaped well deserved praise.  The horrid alternatives of a bucket or a hedge averted,  order was restored, and the music of a successful flush echoed through the boat.


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